Yannis Stavrou, Moon Shine, oil on canvas
The following terms are used in visual arts.
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Art Glossary
The following terms are defined according to their usage in the visual arts. A term in italics has its own listing in the glossary.
abstract art Art that departs significantly from natural appearances. Forms are modified or changed to varying degrees in order to emphasize certain qualities or content. Recognizable references to original appearances may be slight. The term is also used to describe art that is nonrepresentational.
Abstract Surrealism See Surrealism.
aerial perspective See perspective.
aesthetic Relating to the sense of the beautiful and to heightened sensory perception in general.
airbrush A small-scale paint sprayer that allows the artist to control a fine mist of paint.
asymmetrical Without symmetry.
atmospheric perspective See perspective.
axis An implied straight line in the center of a form along its dominant direction.
bas-relief See relief sculpture.
curvilinear Formed or characterized by curving lines or edges.
capital In architecture, the top part, capstone, or head of a column or pillar.
caricature A representation in which the subject's distinctive features are exaggerated.
coffer In architecture, a decorative sunken panel on the underside of a ceiling.
colonnade A row of columns usually spanned or connected by beams (lintels).
curtain wall A non-load-bearing wall.
design Both the process and the result of structuring the elements of visual form; composition.
elevation In architecture, a scale drawing of any vertical side of a given structure.
encaustic A painting medium in which pigment is suspended in a binder of hot wax.
eye level The height of the viewer's eyes above the ground plane.
figure Separate shape(s) distinguishable from a background or ground.
form In the broadest sense, the total physical characteristics of an object, event, or situation.
format The shape or proportions of a picture plane.
gouache An opaque, water-soluble paint. Watercolor to which opaque white has been added.
hierarchic proportion Use of unnatural proportion to show the relative importance of figures.
high key Exclusive use of pale or light values within a given area or surface.
icon An image or symbolic representation often with sacred significance.
kiln An oven in which pottery or ceramic ware is fired.
kinetic art Art that incorporates actual movement as part of the design.
kore Greek for "maiden." An Archaic Greek statue of a standing clothed young woman.
kouros Greek for "youth." An Archaic Greek statue of a standing nude young male.
lens The part of a camera that concentrates light and focuses the image.
linear perspective See perspective.
loom A device for producing cloth by interweaving fibers at right angles.
low key Consistent use of dark values within a given area or surface.
lumina The use of actual light as an art medium.
matte A dull finish or surface, especially in painting, photography, and ceramics.
mixed media Works of art made with more than one medium.
monochromatic A color scheme limited to variations of one hue, a hue with its tints and/or shades.
mural A large wall painting, often executed in fresco.
naive art Art made by people with no formal art training.
nave The tall central space of a church or cathedral, usually flanked by side aisles.
negative shape A background or ground shape seen in relation to foreground or figure shapes.
nonobjective See nonrepresentational and abstract art.
oil paint Paint in which the pigment is held together with a binder of oil, usually linseed oil.
opaque Impenetrable by light; not transparent or translucent.
picture plane The two-dimensional picture surface.
positive shape A figure or foreground shape, as opposed to a negative ground or background shape.
prehistoric art Art created before written history. Often the only record of early cultures.
prime In painting, a first layer of paint or sizing applied to a surface that is to be painted.
proportion The size relationship of parts to a whole and to one another.
salon A general term for a group art exhibition in France.
serigraphy See screenprinting.
silk screen See screenprinting.
stupa The earliest form of Buddhist architecture, probably derived from Indian funeral mounds.
subtractive sculpture Sculpture made by removing material from a larger block or form.
symbol A form or image implying or representing something beyond its obvious and immediate meaning.
tessera Bit of colored glass, ceramic tile, or stone used in a mosaic.
three-dimensional Having height, width, and depth.
throwing The process of forming clay objects on a potter's wheel.
townhouse One of a row of houses connected by common side walls.
tunnel vault (barrel vault) See vault.
tusche In lithography, a waxy liquid used to draw or paint images on a lithographic stone or plate.
two-dimensional Having the dimensions of height and width only.
typography The art and technique of composing printed materials from type.
vehicle Liquid emulsion used as a carrier or spreading agent in paints.
visualize To form a mental image or vision; to imagine.
wash A thin, transparent layer of paint or ink.
weft In weaving, the horizontal threads interlaced through the warp. Also called woof.
woodcut A type of relief print made from an image that is left raised on a block of wood.
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